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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Kook Nick and Austin's Video Premier 7-17-10

Kook Nick and Austin's (Rev. Fuckface) Video premier at Plan B Portland, Oregon went off!!! Lots of fun, friends, grass, and brews made for an excellent time!!! Entertaining and full of laughs. Thanx to Revenge Ink for the great movie and Patric at Plan B for hosting us dirtbags!!!

"Step Away From the Beer" a Revenge Ink production
(brought to you by Kook Nick and Rev. Fuckface) Dank Paul brings the rippage!

The crew having a good ol time!

Dog Boy and Daphanie

Mick (M&M) and Nebraska Nate

Most cans recycled at Burnside trophy?

The ladies are digg'n Recycle Rick

Recycle Rick Fan!!!

mystery raffle with the creators / directors, Kook Nick and Rev. Fuckface (Austin)

Jason, Deric and Slone

Mom supports Son


  1. Anonymous said...
    uuuuuuuuummmmmm i see you mentioned KooKnAsty..... but you failed to mention the other founder finacial-backer, director, and creator of the dvd ......... but guess that shit doesnt matter let nick take all the credit

  2. Yes, you failed to mention the great and powerful Austin Rose aka Austin Texas Ranger! How could you forget to mention the co-founder of Revenge Ink! Without AUSTIN TEXAS RANGER aka AUSTIN ROSE, I don't think this shit would have gone down and been do damn awesome!

  3. Yes failing to mention Austin Rose was a little tacking. Without his beautiful mug playing Austin Texas Ranger where would you really be?
    I agree not so damn awesome!

  4. shut the fuck up and skate it was just a good video with the friends help all around it wasn't the freaking first Star Wars great time quit yall's bitching wow all I got was recycled clothes and a bad ass trophy well plus++ the 8x10's I guess I did make it out even better than Nick kooknasty and texas ranger Austin fucking powers.. have a good day that's all folks rcycl rick out...

  5. Oh ya, hey Rick, you could have gotten the Babe!!! Dude, you blew it!! hahaha
