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Friday, November 5, 2010

Bad People Push Good Ones Away

Well, this will be my last post. There's a thorn in my side, and people keep giving him power. Strauss, once again you've destroyed something beautiful. You non-directly killed my best friend through Jr. High and Highschool, then decided to rub it in my face. The hatred has eaten away so bad, that everytime I see your Junky face, it shows no remorse or desire to stop the madness that is killing my friends. Sometimes you have to let go of good people because they won't let go of the bad ones..... Sorry Pod, Baker, Oby, Etc. but that man is a tick, and I'm not gonna' watch it anymore for fear of going back to prison for another 12 years for "Tick Extermination". Someday hopefully you will accept the shit that you've done,and the pain you've caused everyone just to stay high. But till then you'll just stick to your art, which consists of bringing people into your hell and keeping them down to make yourself feel better.

I never knew this scum since I was part of an older crew, but he was friends of my friends, so I invited him in. Hell, I even gave him the skateboard out from under my feet, and tryed to hype him on the stoke of skating again instead of High Gravity Malt beveages and Heroin. But like all things in his life, he took it all for granted. Everyone tried to help you fucker, and you re-paid us with the death of a great friend, and shit talk. Then you run to Portland to duck out, personally we know you were chased out, but that's another shit story. Good luck everyone. and go live life to the fullest!! Just make sure your choices don't affect others lives, or their happiness. At some point you have to grow up and be responsible for the world you've built for yourself. And I choose to have a possitive one!! Good bye, and skate on!!!

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