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Monday, May 10, 2010

My First Cover Photo!

McGnarly from Shrunken Head has a new zine out titled "Wet Nurse". Find one if you can. The cover photo is of Peter Gunn back-rocking a sick-ass seven footer in Beaverton that some bmxers had busted the coping out of. The joke will be after the jump.
Even though the pool itself ended up getting blown out, fun sessions were to be had while they lasted. Here are a couple of other photos from a day in Beavertron.

But first the cover

As it was originally saturated...

A blue-tiled Bobby Beandip

I probably could have titled this...

Peter Gunn Round Two...

But this spider would have been bummed

Peter Gunn front ollie

P.G. takes one for the team

If you have a Commissioner in your crew then you know he can carve a light

P.G. 13 jammy-jammy jams outta there

With a "Dangerous" ollie thrown in the mix

That's all folks! Find this gem.

1 comment:

  1. This egg is right by my house and filled to the top with cement chunks! Lame!
